I have to say that the reason for my lack of continuos writing is because everytime I want to sit down and write an idea I have on mind suddenly a rush of thoughts start to appear on my limited mind and then I become overwhelmed by it. Tonight I pretend to overcome that overwhelmation(this is a word look for it in, www.talktomyenglishprofessordontblameitonmestopcheckingmyspellingthisisjustahumbleblog.com) to talk about my past weekend and this past days.

Last wednesday I started to read "Voyage to the Center of the Earth", by Julio Verne, this is a book that had been stored in my shelf since those days when Branton was driving in his black mustang and getting all the chicks at the movie theater. Finally I grab it and started to read it, the book as you probably realized talks about this german guys that travel to the center of the earth through the crater of a Volcano in Iceland. The main character its a young boy that complains all through the book about the lack of light, the cold in Iceland, the rocks in the volcano... ... in other words he is a pussy and a pain in the ass. The other guy is his uncle a famous and stubborn geologist. This detail was actually pretty funny because on Thursday I got on a bus to Todos Santos, the reason I was going to this little town was because I wanted to meet with this guy that was going to give me some maps about the water system in Todos. When I arrived to his house it was as if I was the house of the character of the book, and old geologist, which passion was to talk about rocks and minerals.
Anyway after my meeting I went to my friend`s house where Paty and her kid where waiting for me.
We were going to spend the weekend aw

Let just say that the house wasnt much, it was small, but it seemed like if it has been drop from the air because its completely sorrounded by thorns, cactuces, flowers, trees and that is the only thing that you can see from the house, it feel as if the desert was about to bite a chunk on you. My f

To be continued....
Thank you people that have been writing comments on my blog and facebook thanks for helping me realized I am not just writing to a shiny rectangle.
Osea come pretendes que te deje de leer si tienes aventuras como de "Indiana Jones", te subes al techo del vecino a ver el atardecer, te explota la estufa, das miles de vueltas en bici al ferretero, te escapas (como yo) del jc fest, para ir a la playita a tirarla, te enfrentas a toda una frenética gama de vegetación y cactus, acompañada de una que otra víbora de cascabel, y con todo y todo nos haces experimentar, la grandiosa idea de copiar una pagina de blog inexistente para que te burles de nosotros, con una palabra mafufa del diccionario de tu imaginación, Pero no hay pedo por que veo que a pesar de todo sales adelante, a vivir una vida de ensueño, te quiero y te mando un fuerte abrazo.
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