Wow, if I just start to think how much my life has changed in the past month I get dizzy.
Maybe that is the reason I haven´t write anything till now.
This is a fast account of what my life has become in the past month. The 27 of febraury I was happy working in San Carlos and suddenly I got an offer to work in La Paz, for and environmental education ong. This job I have been looking for it for a while, and so when they told me my first day was the 1st of March I started packing, well really I started washing, because It was my last chance of using a washing machine for free in a while. Now I pay 45 pesos just for my thongs, sorry my speedos, sorry sorry, my armani suits. jajaja, yeah right.
Well after that I left the peacefullness and the comfortable life I have been experiencing for more than a year, in beautiful Mag Bay. Maybe it has some trash around the beach, and there is just two bars in town, and both arent that cool, but I miss the sunsets every a

I miss someone preparing dinner for me, and breakfast and lunch, and well, other stuff and people of course.
Now I am living with a friend, Itziar, Javi`s girlfriend. she was really nice offering a place to crash in La Paz, and its cool to have somewhere and someone to be in this town in this new city.
Our place is small, cheap, the sewer system doesnt quite work because the pipes are stucked with some gigantic roots. This roots I have to say are part of a Ficus tree that is growing and growing like a fucking sequoia in the desert, he just loves our pipes, uhmmm. Well what else, we own, one chair, no beds, a bucket, and some cooking stuff, like forks, ollas, sartenes, cutting boards... ... but not kitchen. Wait, wait, we didnt have a stove, so we were developing this new diet on amazing salads and cereal, that wasnt bad. but Now Itziar has got a stove and its really nice to be able to cook, and it has an oven in which we hope to do some cakes, and pies, and cookies, ohh yeah I want one.
Well I am proud because today I woke up early went for a ride on my bike, with a basket for groceries and stuff, I swear its manly, for you people that where imagining a pink stuff, and went to the ferreteria, the place you get tools and stuff. I borrowed some tools after explaining to the owner that I needed to cook a freaking pasta because I was craving it, and he was really nice about it
Then I went back to my house and started working on installing the thing, I got into a problem, the hose, that goes al the way to the gas tank was imposible to adjust to it, so I took a picture of it, so the guy cool see the kind it was, and I ride my bike, By this time I was still in my pijamas. The owner saw the picture on my cellphone and told me the problem was that, that specific thing was screwed the opposite way. So instead of screwing it to the right, or left, or whatever side it is, it was to the other way.
So I ride back and did it, it was easy, then I started to attach the other side, and after a few tries and two other visits to the guy, I was done. In the afternoon we had pasta, it was amazing, some flames came out of the back of the stove, and we still are figuring out why that happen, I just hope the house doesnt blow up, but the pasta, and the cooking felt really good. I dont actually miss frijoles and arroz.
Now I dont have the beautiful views of the bay in front of my house everyday, but I discover that If I climb to my roof, where we keep the compost box, that we created, and then jump to the neighbors roof, and then climb to his second floor, and sit on it, you have an awesome view of the horizon, just to the west,, just where the orange round one sits every afternoon in the waters of the Sea of Cortez, not bad, I hope the neighbor doesnt realize I am in his roof, while he is probably watching the WWF.
This weekend to Todos Santos, and next week maybe, if I am lucky I will be a fishermen for some days, getting extramoney and being in the water again, lets hope for that.
wow Antonio! I had no idea you weren't in PSC anymore! congratulations on your new job in La Paz! I'm very very happy for you =)
ResponderEliminaryour adventures are always so much fun... I too hope you do not blow up the house
- Grace
Antonio, i really like your writting, and your new life, am kingnena, i would like to be with you on the sea. see you man, ill tell you later the time to call on monday because i steel havent realize the hour there. See you, i hope to read more on this blog soon.
ResponderEliminarYor brother