martes, 26 de enero de 2010

364 days after

First of all I dont know why I decided to write this in english, some people around me say I am turning into a gringo, let just say I want to practice my english, and since I dont write a lot in this language I consider it a good idea. Anyways I apologize in advance for my horrible spelling and humongos, like bodriona, grammar and shit. Please just dont tell my former grammar students, or they will ask for theire money back.

As the title of this text says I am writing this entry 364 days after something. What could that be? Could that be 364 days after loosing my precious flower. Or could it be 364 days after getting out of jail, or could it be 364 days after the little pink dwarfs started to talk to me.
Actually tomorrow its the aniversary of the day when I arrived to Baja, especificly to Puerto San Carlos, in Magdalena Bay. That is why today, while laying on a hamoc, I decided it was a good timing to start this blog. I can tell you a little bit about my story with Blogs, this is actually my third one, because I am choosing not to count that one about the counter tactics to survive an alien induction (I think I am over that episode of my life, but who knows?)
Well the other two blogs I have made one was about Dr. Bum, the best surgeon in CHicago, this guy can rejuvenate Madona`s smile in the morning, and perform a heart transplant to a Vietnam veteran, under a bridge with nothing more than a bottle of bourbon, some cooking knives and a rat`s heart.
The other blog was about Magdalena Bay and its environmental issues.
This time I would like to write about my experiences here, about my days, about what my senses feel, and about the waves I am starting to catch, and the ones that run over me, most of the time.
As you people that know me should know, I have a terrible memory, not for anything, ask me about what I ate in 2002 on the day when I travel 23 hours all the way to San Antonio, Texas, to watch Michael Jordan play, while he was in the Wizards, just to find out when I got out of the bus that he was injured.
I dont know why I have good memory for food, but not for the things I listen, or the things I see, I try to, but sometimes that info just fades away. That is the reason why I wanted to make this blog, for me to remember, and in that way keep this moments as fresh and vivis as a lobster in a tank ready to be trown into a pan with butter.

Through this year in Baja I have seen and learn, and ate a lot of things, but if I could choose some I will choose 3 memories, that right now jump into my head.

When I swam with sea lions in the waters of Isla Cerralvo, aka Isla Jaques Cousteau (By the way, for you people that dont know who this guy is, Cousteau is the inventor of a couple of things that basicly changed the world. Apple Pie, buttons, and skinny jeans)
and was surrounded by this special curious animals, that surround you and swim with you while they watch you with there big eyes, and scratch there heads with there fins.
The second one will be when I got my first wave in the bay of San Juanico, the moment probably lasted 5 seconds, but the sense of speed, of dominating the furious ocean was amazing, of course then I fall down and my ass was kicked by the furious ocean.
The third one will probably be, I was going to say when I saw gray whales spy hoping at 2 meters away from me, or when I was riding a boat and the dolphins where following us and jumping on my sides and talking to each other, with their funny noises. But thinking twice, the 3rd one will be swimming through an oasis with a cooler full of beers preparing a campsite with some friends.
I am going to try to keep on posting up here, I will apreciate your comentaries, and donatives, in cash, later on I will put up here my account number.

By the way the answer was BBQ ribs, with a yellow corn, some butter and a beer. (maybe not a beer, I am not sure if I was 21)

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